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Mini Residency in Implant Dentistry Program

2024 registration - Few seats available left only

Course Curriculum

Part I

1. The expanding scope of Implant dentistry. - An introduction to the objectives of the course
2. Examples of the cases where the patients' needs and desires could not have been met without implants

Part II

1. How implants work?
2. Evolution of modern implant dentistry
3. Introduction to diagnosis & treatment planning
4. Demonstration of placement of endosseous implants (live)
5. Surgical post-op – introduction to immunology and wound healing
6. Examinations-clinical
7. Biomaterials and biomechanics
8. Living bone

Part III

1. Why are there several implant systems?
2. Applied anatomy in implant dentistry simulated dissection and lectures
3. Review of current implant modalities & systems- configurations, surface treatments and enhancements
4. Developing treatment plans

Part IV

1. Pre-surgical prosthetic planning: diagnosing implant candidates and work-up sequence
2. Physiology of pain: theory & management
3. Pharmacology - Review of basic pharmaco kinetics & pharmaco dynamics
4. Medical evaluation: Review of tests, values & evaluations of the medically compromised patient
5. Diagnostic radiographs- periapical, CT-scans, tomograms

Part V

1. Surgical session
2. Interim restorative phase

Part VI

Definitive restorative phase
1. Fabrication of provisional prosthesis & providing template for the final restoration
2. Prosthodontic protocols – pre-surgical, provisional and definitive

Part VII

1. Advanced implant surgeries including bone grafting
2. Fundamentals of sinus graft, symphy seal grafts, ramus grafts
3. Implant periodontics & esthetics
4. Advanced implantology- immediate principles & techniques


1. Long-term validation principles & techniques- predictable implant sequencing
2. Advanced restorative & esthetic strategies in implant dentistry
3. Computerized approaches to total rehabilitation utilizing CAD/CAM techniques & surgical navigation
4. Identifying failures & managing complications

Part IX

1. Pathophysiology of implant failures, mechanical, biological and surgical
2. Office emergencies
3. Presenting cases and patient management in implant practice

Smile USA Center for Education of Excellence
Nationally Approved PACE Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit
Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority, or AGD endorsement.
4/1/2022 to 3/31/2025
Provider ID#: 217452

Smile USA Center for Education of Excellence designates this for 150 CE credits.
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AAID AAID MaxiCourse Roseman University