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Fellowship in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics

2022 Fellowship in Maxillocafial Prosthodontics starts June 25th, 2022

Fellowship in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics

Competently manage complex maxillofacial prosthodontic cases!

Receive intensive training in maxillofacial prosthetics to improve your clinical skills and tackle very complex maxillofacial prosthodontic cases. You will gain the knowledge to treat and rehabilitate a multitude of defects, ranging from clefts and other congenital malformations like ectodermal dysplasia, and also expertly manage cancer surgery and radiation related defects.

Completion of this program will greatly enhance the skillset of the participants for decision making and treatment in complex maxillofacial treatments. As a result, participants will increase their chances of being employed by hospitals that serve cancer/trauma/cleft patients, as well as provide private care to this group of patients.

There will be live demonstration of obturator and resection prosthesis fabrication for the participants.

Intra Oral Prostheses
Patients will be provided to fabricate an obturator or a resection prosthesis under the guidance of the faculty. All material related to the fabrication of these prostheses will be provided. Participants will perform all clinical steps related to the fabrication of the prostheses, and will also have the option to view the lab technician perform the steps needed to process the prostheses for delivery.

Extra Oral Prostheses
All material required for fabrication of one type of extra oral prosthesis (ear/nose/eye) depending on patient requirement will be provided. Participants will fabricate the prosthesis from start to finish and deliver to the patient under the guidance of the faculty.


The Indian subcontinent has an alarmingly high prevalence of oral and oro-pharyngeal cancer. While specialists in the medical and dental fraternity have the skills required to eliminate these cancers, not much attention is paid to the rehabilitation of the oral and oro-pharyngeal cancer survivor. In spite of elimination of the malignancy via a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, the cancer survivor has an extremely poor quality of life. Difficulties for cancer survivors include chronic pain, phonation, deglutition, mastication and access to care. Furthermore, the non-rehabilitated cancer survivor has a difficult time being reintegrated back into society due to the lack of understanding of the burdens of cancer treatment among the general population.

While the prevalence of facial cancers is relatively low in India, encountering a patient in need of facial prosthetic reconstruction is not uncommon, especially for those practitioners associated with hospitals and educational institutions. The time and expense related to the fabrication of the prosthesis and the lack of trained specialists remain huge barriers to successful rehabilitation of facial cancer survivors. These patients are frequently removed from society due to their obvious facial deformity, and hence are forced to live in isolation.


Dr. Shankar Iyer, DDS MDS

" We invite you to participate in this first of it's kind training program in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. There is a lack of formal training in this field in a University or Hospital setting as a continuum. World class didactics and clinical experience will be brought to you through this course with US trained super specialists in the field of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Anaplastology and Oral Oncology.

The program will feature live patient demonstrations, hands on experience on models and patients and additional didactics conducted by allied specialists such as Internationally trained Head & Neck Surgeons, Oncologists and speech pathologists. "



Smile USA Center for Education of Excellence
Nationally Approved PACE Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit
Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority, or AGD endorsement.
4/1/2022 to 3/31/2025
Provider ID#: 217452

Smile USA Center for Education of Excellence designates this for 150 CE credits.

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